OdysseyQueryExpert is the distributor module.

It automates the distribution of tailor made products.


The global increase of the requests for genuine tailor-made products may already have prompted you to ponder new strategies in terms of production and communication.

Opening up new markets is a sizeable investment.

You want to endorse your clients requests for change more quickly.

...We developed OdysseyTravelBuilder.

OdysseyQueryExpert lets distibutors enter and send tailor made quotation requests to their suppliers, and get answers (quotation, description, maps and pictures) in real time.

This in turn lets the distributor offer their clients tailor made travels that match their whishes.

The system is operational 24/7, answers at once with great flexibility, and promotes dialog with the client.

In less than three minutes, OdysseyQueryBuilder lets the distibutor offer their clients a whole range of products and options, backed by the producer so as to exclude any inconsistencies.