• Your client becomes a stakeholder of their travel.
  • Your supplier is available at any time.
  • Your competitors still have to make do with jet lag.
  • You get an innovative added value.
  • You can at last offer genuine tailor made travels in real time.

Does that ring a bell ?

A customer walks into an agency, in order to look at the offer for a tour in Peru, from Lima to Cuzco and Lake Titicaca, for four persons, leaving around Christmas..
Your competitor:( without OdysseyQueryExpert ) writes down the clients wishes, get their contacts details and starts looking for a producer..
You :( with OdysseyQueryExpert ) enter their query, immediately forward it to a producer and three minutes later you show a list of products to the client..
The client waits for a quotation.
Your competitor: calls them two days after to send them the quotation made by the producer
You : enter a few parameters and straight away you submit a figure to the client.
The client wonders if it would be cheaper starting eight days earlier...
Your competitor: asks them to kindly wait, calls the producer once more, and after three long days can offer an alternative..
You : change a single parameter and instantly show them the difference.
This new offer is so attractive that they could afford the trip in 4* rather than 3*.
Your competitor: ditto.
You : ditto.

In the end :
Your competitor: took eight days to provide an appropriate response to the customer's needs, at the risk of seeing them lose heart.
You : can provide such a response in 15 minutes, and the client did not even leave their seat.

You know that reactivity is an edge over competition.
Odyssey provides you with this responsiveness.